CoC Maps, Wiki, Wallpapers, Ranking

Clash of Clans: base maps, wiki, wallpapers, players-clans ranking, tips and more.

Popular Decks - Clash Royale
Knight - CardArchers - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardSkeleton Army - CardMusketeer - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 77.53%
based on 38,328 games
1.98 crowns per game
Knight - CardArchers - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardPrince - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 75.62%
based on 35,921 games
2.2 crowns per game
Knight - CardArchers - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardBaby Dragon - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 70.73%
based on 34,340 games
1.96 crowns per game
Knight - CardArchers - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardWall Breakers - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 60.55%
based on 29,163 games
1.76 crowns per game
CoC News - Strategies
In this attack strategy you will use the ULTIMATE attack strategy! The GoLaLoon is the most powerful known attack strategy currently in Clash.
14,000 gems will cost you $100 in real world money, so buying gems can add up quickly, but with our methods you’ll be saving that much and more.
In this attack strategy you will only use archers! This attack is great for a fast and effective farming strategy.
In this attack strategy you will mainly use dragons as main destructive force! This attack is great especially for low-level Town Halls!
If you have lost your village somehow and it was not linked to Game Center (for iOS users) or Google+ (for Android users), this guide may help you in recovering that village. Note that it is not a guarantee, but if you follow the steps below there is a good chance that your village may be recoverable.
Gems can be difficult to come by, as the developers want you to buy them from the cash store, but with a little planning you'll never need to spend it.