Golem/Golemite - Clash of Clans Golem/Golemite

Golemites are smaller Golems constructed within the gargantuan creature. When the Golem is destroyed, the Golemites spring to life and keep fighting!

Golem/Golemite - Clash of Clans
Golemites are smaller Golems constructed within the gargantuan creature. When the Golem is destroyed, the Golemites spring to life and keep fighting!

Golem/Golemite - Level 1_2 - Clash of Clans
Level 1_2
Golem/Golemite - Level 3_4 - Clash of Clans
Level 3_4
Golem/Golemite - Level 5 - Clash of Clans
Level 5
Golem/Golemite - Level 6 - Clash of Clans
Level 6
Golem/Golemite - Level 7 - Clash of Clans
Level 7
Golem/Golemite - Level 8 - Clash of Clans
Level 8
Golem/Golemite - Level 9 - Clash of Clans
Level 9

preferred targetattack speedattack typemovement speeddeath damage radiusrange
Defenses3sMelee (Ground Only)121.2 tiles0.5 tiles
Leveldamage per seconddamage per attackdamage upon deathhitpoints
Wallpapers of Golem/Golemite
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