Cannon Cart - Clash Royale Cannon Cart - Clash Royale

A Cannon on wheels?! Bet they won't see that coming! Once you break its shield, it becomes a Cannon not on wheels.

Cannon Cart - Clash Royale
The Cannon Cart card is unlocked from Hog Mountain (Arena 10). It is a single-target, medium-ranged troop with moderate hitpoints and damage output. Half of its health comes from the cart that carries the Cannon, and the other half is the actual Cannon's health. When the cart breaks, the Cannon Cart loses its wheels and becomes a stationary turret. The first portion of its health is represented by a shield which behaves identically to shields belonging to the Dark Prince and Guards, being able to absorb excess damage. When the cart is broken, it behaves like a building with a lifetime of 30 seconds. Troops that target buildings, such as the Giant, will begin to target the Cannon Cart when its cart is broken. Additionally, it will no longer be affected by cards that affect only troops, such as the Heal, Tornado, or Clone. A Cannon Cart card costs 5 Elixir to deploy.
Golem - CardBaby Dragon - CardLumberjack - CardMega Minion - CardCannon Cart - CardElixir Collector - CardZap - CardTornado - Card
win: 51.33%
based on 9,537 games
1.15 crowns per game
Golem - CardBaby Dragon - CardMega Minion - CardNight Witch - CardCannon Cart - CardPoison - CardThe Log - CardTornado - Card
win: 51.37%
based on 5,865 games
1.06 crowns per game
Golem - CardBaby Dragon - CardMega Minion - CardNight Witch - CardCannon Cart - CardElixir Collector - CardZap - CardPoison - Card
win: 56.03%
based on 2,597 games
1.4 crowns per game
Golem - CardBaby Dragon - CardMega Minion - CardNight Witch - CardCannon Cart - CardPoison - CardThe Log - CardTornado - Card
win: 65.47%
based on 5,993 games
1.35 crowns per game
hit speedspeedtransportdeploy timerangetargetelixir costcountraritytypearenarelease date
1 secFast (90)Ground1 sec5.5Ground5x1EpicTroopHog Mountain5 August 2017
Levelhitpointsshield hitpointsdamagedamage per second